Why organic farming

The organic farming method is based on the correct management of the agricultural ecosystem in which a farm is located.
The farmer is an integral part of this environment and collaborates daily with nature to maintain its delicate balance and to produce its own fruits.
We cultivate our fields without the use of chemically synthesized fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides and replace them with mechanical interventions or with products of organic origin that are permitted by the organic production regulations.
We carefully follow the principles of agroecology and also try to encourage the development of useful animals, surrounding our plots with hedges and natural areas by placing artificial nests in which they can live.
We like to think that in this way we protect the environment in which we live and that this is everyone's heritage.
Our company is certified by I.C.E.A and associated with Terramica .
Here are the main concepts of the organic farming production method
- The use of deep tillage is prohibited but superficial tillage is practiced which respects the structure of the soil
- Forcing crops is prohibited and resistant varieties are selected, correct planting spacing and seasonality is respected
- Monoculture is prohibited and rotations, intercrops and green manures are recommended to respect the biodiversity of the agro-ecosystem
- The use of synthetic chemical substances is prohibited, such as fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and fungicides, which must be replaced with organic soil improvers, green manures, natural repellent or toxic substances, biological control techniques and mulches.
- The development of spontaneous flora and fauna around the crops is promoted, to favor the processes of ecological balance
ICEA, Institute for Ethical and Environmental Certification is a consortium founded in 2000 to carry out control and certification activities of products and services created in compliance with the principles of sustainable development. It is among the most important bodies in the sector in Italy and Europe, with over 10,000 controlled companies with strong ethical, environmental and social value, 300 technicians and 23 Territorial Operational Structures in Italy and abroad.
The Piedmontese headquarters is in Trofarello, the national one in Bologna.
The Terramica Organic Producers Association, promoted by the Provincial Federation of Direct Farmers of Cuneo, was created with the aim of providing support to companies operating in the sector of production obtained with organic farming methods.
Established in 1991 by 13 founding members, it currently has around 1200 members and represents all plant and livestock production.
The Association carries out its activities in the territorial and administrative area of the Piedmont Region and aims to develop and enhance organic agricultural production and contribute to the balance of the natural environment and consumer protection.